Foreigner fell dozens of metres from a Budapest bridge!

The police received a notice at 7.36 PM yesterday that a man fell from Budapest’s Szabadság Bridge into the Danube.

According to the, the foreign national was immediately helped out by first lieutenant Balázs Benedek and sergeant Nikoletta Horváth Steiner. The 22-year-old man told the police later that he jumped into the water for fun. The officers escorted him to the Danube bank and handed him to the ambulance.

Police party district
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One comment

  1. What was his Alcohol reading ?
    Stupidity of some for “supposed” fun.
    Trust ALL expenses incurred through his “dare” or opportunity to “steal” media attention, is BILLED to him.
    Thank-You to our Police, Ambulance & “others” – who have given this IMBECILE – a second chance at life.

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